Thursday, January 11, 2007

Oedipus Answers


1. pg. 963, line 95 and pg. 964, line 143

2. The audience knows that Oedipus is the killer, but he doesn't know.

3. Imagery allows the audience to have a better understanding of the story and to feel more like a part of the story. With imagery, the audience is more interested and entranced by the story.

4. The people continue to come to Oedipus for help, Oedipus is constantly being praised

5. The Chorus is singing about the plague that has come over Thebes.


1. pg. 968, line 89
pg. 968, line 98
pg. 969, lines 101-103
pg. 969, line 114

2. Theiresias won't tell Oedipus what he knows about Laios's murder, and the two end up arguing. Eventually Oedipus accuses Creon of being in league with Theiresias and plotting to kill him and become king.

3. pg. 970 lines 176-181
pg. 971 lines 224-227

4. The audience knows that Oedipus is the man who is causing the ruin of Thebes, but he's trying his hardest to find out who it is. The audience knows he is doomed, but he keeps talking about the doom of other people.

5. Theiresias is a blind seer,Theiresias saying that the killer is "right here,"

6. The Chorus is talking about the doom that is coming for Laios's killer and doubt that Oedipus could possibly be the murderer.

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